
Posts Tagged ‘cell’

Starting tonight at midnight (Tuesday, October 26, 2010), New York City will be strictly enforcing the cell phone law for 24 hours.  Drivers who don’t use a hands-free device face a $130 fine and a possible auto insurance increase.

During the last crackdown, the NYPD issued 6,125 cell phone traffic tickets, well above the daily average of 617 per day.

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A recent survey by Pew’s Internet and American Life Project concluded that adults and teens drive and text message about the same amount.  However, when you measure both sending and reading text messages, adults are actually worse offenders.

With the dangers of driving and text messaging obvious, it is surprisingly that adults would act even more carelessly than teenagers.

While the New York legislature has enacted a law which prohibits texting and driving, this blog was the first to point out that the law has a major loophole.  Albany’s dysfunctional politicians have yet to fix it with no resolution in near sight.

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Today, the United Nations takes up the issue of distract driving.   The dangers of texting and driving are not unique to the United States.  It is a world-wide problem.  United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and other dignitaries will launch a “Global Call To Action On Ending Distracted Driving”, an initiative to encourage drivers to put away their cell phones and other electronic devices while driving.

According to the World Health Organization, the annual world-wide death toll from automobile accident is more than 1.2 million people. or one traffic-related fatality every 30 seconds. This figure doesn’t include the 20 to 50 million people who are injured in automobile accidents annually.

The good news is that many of these deaths and injuries can be avoided.  A large portion of these accidents are caused by distracted drivers.  The Secretary-General’s willingness to spotlight this dangerous issue to the nation’s of the world is commendable and hopefully will encourage nations throughout the globe to crack-down on this epidemic.

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